What Are Sit ‘n’ Go Poker Tournaments And How To Develop A Good Strategy!
Whether you play poker tournaments regularly or are new to the world of online poker, the chances are you’ve heard of sit and go poker. Many players of online poker play sit and go games for their quick nature. Like all types of poker, having a strategy is the key to a successful game. There are many ways to make sit and go tournaments run as smoothly as possible, and knowing what to be aware of can improve your chances of winning. This article will give you a quick overview of sit and go games.
What Are Sit N Go Tournaments?
Sit and go tournaments are an exciting and convenient way to partake in a tournament without having to commit hours of time to get to the final table. You also don’t need to wait around for a long time for a tournament to begin. In a sit and go tournament, you only need to wait for 6-9 players to register before a game begins. The principle of the game remains the same as any other tournament, but you will only have to play on one table rather than several, as opposed to a regular multi table tournament. This means that the game is usually over relatively quickly, and even a 9 player game can be over in less than an hour. The great thing about a sit and go tournament is that most poker sites offer them 24 hours a day, with games starting as soon as enough players are registered to a table. This beats the waiting around that usually comes with tournaments. Although the prize pot at a sit and go tournament will be significantly less than you’d find in a regular tournament, the chances of winning are a lot higher.
Sit And Go Tournaments usually don’t allow late buy-ins or re-buys which takes the temptation away to invest too much of your bankroll in one game. It also means that the game can run as quickly as possible and players will be eliminated from the tournament for good once they are out of chips.
Pot Payouts
Sit and Go Tournaments with 6 players usually pay the top two players, with first place receiving 65 percent of the pot, and 2nd place receiving 35 percent. A 9 player game will generally pay the final three players. This usually equates to 50 percent for first place, 30 percent for second, and 20 percent for third. These figures can vary depending on the poker room that you choose, so always clarify before entering a tournament.
Sit And Go Poker Strategy
Adopting a reliable poker strategy will help you get the most out of your game. Like all other forms of poker, sit and go games require you to adapt your technique to suit the game.
Play With Caution Early On
It is usually a good idea to sit tight during the first stages of the game whilst the blinds are fairly low as it’s usually not worth playing aggressively with a small pot. If you have a strong hand then feel free to play as you feel you need to, but be selective with the hands you play, folding weaker hands is usually the best idea at this stage.
Know When To Make A Big Move
Suited connectors or small pairs are usually worth playing but play with caution. Although they have the potential to create a strong hand, it’s a good idea to fold if the flop doesn’t increase the strength of your hand, or if other players start to raise. Waiting for your cards to come up after the flop is fairly high risk and not advised. However, if the flop produces the results that you have been waiting for then you should act fast and prepare to play more aggressively. Generally players will call with a pair and a weak kicker, so if you’re holding a two pair with a decent kicker then you’re in with a good chance.
Be Patient
If you find yourself being dealt terrible hand over and over and see your stack disappearing to the blinds, try to hang in there. Always remember that in a tournament, you may have the lowest stack on the table and then have the highest stack a couple of hands later. Try to fight the urge to play weak hands out of fear that your stack will disappear completely. Usually your time to shine will come, you’ve just got to be patient.